SHARE collaborated with Offset Earth (now Ecologi) on the launch of their subscription service aiming to empower individuals and businesses to become climate positive for less than £1.25 per week.
Initially, Offset Earth were using organic social media across Facebook and Instagram to drive users to sign up and become climate positive. With an online base of ~70 followers, they needed to change their approach to reach a wider audience. We joined them on this important climate crisis movement, and helped Offset Earth identify key audiences and how to spread relevant messages to them.
Understanding the climate change landscape
Firstly, we looked at estimating the extend appeal of Offset Earth. Our findings showed that searches and conversation around climate change increased by 137% in 2019. Indeed, the topic of carbon offsetting was becoming more prominent with a yearly increase in searches of 300%. However, services like what Offset Earth were still a minor part of peoples’ eco-minded decision-making. It only controlled 4.8% of the global conversation around climate solutions.
Then, we identified three key audiences: Environmental Lovers, Outdoorsy Lifestylers and Political Enthusiasts. They all had various stages of knowledge of Offset Earth’s mission. Now was the perfect opportunity to share our climate-positive initiative with them.
Launching the first wave of ads
With 2019 heat waves and Extinction Rebellion frequently making the news, we had to capture an audience already thinking about the climate. So we could help them take their first steps into environmental consciousness.
In August, we launched the first wave of ads. We created multi-variate testing across all audiences with placements on Facebook and Instagram.
We used the brand iconic illustration style to develop colourful and cleverly animated ads. They would show the subscriber a visual representation of their growing forests. Moreover, our copy was thought-provoking and encouraging. The idea was to inspire a sense of community and positivity.
Relentless adaptation to drive results
Using marketing tags to capture all customer actions across Offset Earth site, we saw our ads driving a cost per acquisition (CPA) of ~£20 in the first two weeks. Our Performance team would maximise our relevance with daily optimisation and reporting check-ins.
Subsequently, the first wave informed the evolution of the campaign. It helped us adapt the creative, refine our strategy and audiences. Thus, by the second phase in October, our CPA was reduced to £13.66.